The Media Mentor
Welcome to The Media Mentor website - where you can find expert advice and guidance on advancing your career, with mentoring, coaching and training.
Run by experienced broadcaster, coach and mentor David Spencer, our services range from CV creation and writing to individual mentoring sessions and interview practise. We welcome experienced media professionals, students and recent graduates who need help to smooth the job application process. Whether you are starting your career, looking to make that next step, or even if you want a change of direction, we can help you make the right decisions and help make the right contacts. Don't just trust our word for it though, read the testimonial page to hear from people we have helped.
What I Help With
Applications and Cover Letter Advice
The most important part of a job application is the cover letter and this is the part people often find the hardest. Here you will receive guidance on how to structure the cover letter and how to maximise your experience. This will increase your chances of being asked for interview.
Stay up to date
Media Mentor on X
Keep up to date with the latest jobs and opportunities each weekday on X.
Across the week, we post radio and audio on Monday, TV and video on Tuesday, PR/Comms on Wednesday, entry-level roles plus internships etc on Thursday and print/online/B2B on Friday.
The full list (including those that have been advertised for more than four weeks) is on each of our job pages, which are updated daily.

If you want to find out more about our mentoring and interview coaching or for any general questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.